Saturday morning we got up and put our stuff in lockers because we had to check out and then went back to the meeting point for our third tour that weekend. It was a really small tour just us 2, 6 German guys, 1 Swedish guy, and 2 Mexican guys. The Swedish guy was older and really cool. He's traveled quite a bit and was really great to talk to. The Mexican couple didn't really speak much. The German guys did, a lot but mostly in German so I have no idea what they said. So we get on a train and take a 30 minute ride to Howth, which is this little peninsula by Dublin. Our first stop was the Howth. It has been owned by the same family, for the most part I think, since it was built. 

Then we walk through some wilderness, past a gold course to the edge of some woods.  There was this very large hill in front of us. It was completely covered with plants, trees, and stuff. 

Then we went to this place called Aideen's Grave. It is said that Aideen was the wife to a great king Oscar and he died in battle and she was said to have died from grief and his father buried her in honor of his son. Oh did I mention that they were giants? Yeah, I think they were said to be giants.

Then we start to go up this very large hill. It was almost as bad as the hike in Portugal but not quite. Once we got closer to the top, the ground kind of got to be bouncy. The tour guide said it gives so much because we were only on roots. I was like... come again???? So we were literally off the side of a cliff walking on some roots. It all looked like the same ground. It would go back and forth between real ground and the roots. But I don't think there was a whole lot of just roots because I only noticed it in spots. 

We stay at the top for a while to catch our breaths and then we walk through some woods. It really reminded me of Iowa for some reason. But we walked a ways before we came to the restaurant we were going to eat lunch at. So we eat and then we head towards the edge and we walked on the lower cliff path. So we had a better view of the cliffs and this was good since it was kind of foggy. He said if it was much foggier we would have tone on the upper path. But we walk by the edge. 

You can't tell very well but there is a car in that picture. The weeds go all the way up to the roof so you can only see part of the roof. He said that some people stole the car and they tried to get rid of it by sending it over the cliff, only it didn't make it all the way to the bottom. The sides are quite steep so I don't think they can get it out or at least don't want to. Before we got to the cliffs he was telling us that these are the kinds of cliffs you don't come back from and warned us about falling. Yes, the sides are steep but it don't just drop off like the cliffs of Moher, there is land that you can get yourself to stop on before you reach the water. Not saying it would be the nicest ride since the shrubbery was very thorny so it would hurt and you would get all cut up but you would live. 

Then we head toward the pier. It was nice, there were several big boats and nice ones. He said that sometimes there are seals but that day there wasn't any swimming around. After this we head back into Dublin and the we all go our separate ways. We go back to the hostel and get our stuff and then kind of wander around and kill some time because we didn't need to leave just yet it was only 7:00 ish and I didn't want to leave really early and spend more time than necessary in the airport. But we finally get on the bus and go there. We find some pretty nice and comfortable chairs and sit down and try and get comfy. The bright side was they had unlimited free wifi so I could surf the net all night. I did sleep for a while but I really wasn't that comfortable so I kept waking up and trying to find a comfy spot. But finally it was time we could get up and get checked in and go through security. We do this and find our gate. Then we get on the plane and come back. Once we are back in Malaga we go to the bus station and get on our bus. It was about 3:00 by the time I got to my room. 

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